There are many reasons why you should turn to us for pool water testing.
You might wonder what the benefit of going to a pool company for pool water testing would be when you can purchase inexpensive testing kits at any supply place. At Crystal Clear Pool & Spas, we are happy to address that concern and explain why you’ll be happier coming to us for this service.
Here’s why you’ll love coming to us for pool water testing:
- It’s FREE- Why pay for a testing kit, need to replenish it, and keep it stored when we offer FREE pool water testing?
- It’s FAST- It takes us just one minute to test your pool water.
- It’s ACCURATE- We utilize the LaMontte Waterlink Spin-Touch professional pool water testing instrument, also known as a Photometer. The accuracy is far above that of a traditional testing kit to give you a complete analysis of your pool water. We test for free chlorine, total chlorine, bromine, pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid, copper, iron, phosphates, salt, borate, biguanide, and more.
- It’s RECORDED- We keep your information on record, so it can be referred to over time to see what has happened in the past. Being able to map out the progression of your water condition is very telling and helpful for keeping your pool water in top condition.
- It’s VALUABLE- Not only does our pool water testing tell you what is wrong, but we have the expertise to tell you how to fix it. We write out all the steps you should take, including how to administer each chemical, so there isn’t any guesswork involved. We’ll even go over the dos and don’ts!
Perhaps one of the best reasons to turn to us for pool water testing is our long history of quality pool construction. Since 1965, we’ve been the premiere pool builder and pool supply store serving the Guilford County, North Carolina area. Contact us today with any questions you might have.
At Crystal Clear Pool & Spas, we offer pool water testing in Burlington, Chapel Hill, Durham, Efland, Elon, Graham, Gibsonville, Hillsborough, Mebane, Snow Camp, Swepsonville, Whitsett, and Guilford County, North Carolina.